After Havoc (2021)
Piles of waste, ocean pollution, resource wastage... In the end, Hong Kong experienced an unprecedented disaster, an earthquake and tsunami.
Ah So, struggling to survive, escapes from place to place, witnessing familiar surroundings reduced to ruins. Despite facing various dangers, he still wants to use his brush to capture the scenes before him.
Hong Kong has become unrecognizable after the disaster. Every person Ah So meets on his journey adds new twists to his survival experience. Sometimes, he can’t tell whether he’s searching for a space to survive or simply experiencing life.
Natural disasters are terrifying, but the human heart can be just as fearsome.
Pen So serialized this story monthly in City Magazine, combining letters and single-page comics. After Havoc retains a similar format, with additional new comic pages included, making the content of this graphic novel even richer.
廢物堆積,海水污染,資源浪費......最後,香港竟然發生地震和海嘯,帶來了一場前所未見的香港災難 。
Pen So 在《號外》用一頁信件,一頁漫畫方式每月連載。《災難之後》保留類似方式,部份加插新漫畫,令整本書內容更豐富。